
Novatian: The Trinity, The Spectacles, Jewish Foods, In Praise of Purity, Letters is unavailable, but you can change that!

After Novatian’s break with the Church over the treatment of Christians who had lapsed in the persecution of Decius (AD 250–52), Church authorities were reluctant to recognize officially his contributions to Christian theology. Because his writings were too valuable to ignore, a number of them were attributed to less controversial authors. On the basis of stylistic and other internal evidence,...

with gold, but are no match for the glorious splendor of the stars. Human works lose their wonder for the man who knows that he is a son of God. The man who has admiration for anything other than God loses some of his dignity. I maintain that a faithful Christian should occupy himself with the Sacred Scriptures.1 There he will find spectacles that become his faith. He will see God creating this world of His2 and enriching that wonderful creation with men and other living things.3 He will
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